Welcome to our basic SEO course for hotels. From the Roiback SEO team, we are excited to share with you the path to the top of the search results.

Delivered by

Joan Nadal

SEO Manager at Roiback, a company specialising in the tourism and hotel sector, for more than 6 years. With 10 years of experience in SEO in agencies and other companies.

Vanessa Tejada

SEO Specialist at Roiback, with experience in Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, RRSS...) since 2014, both in companies in the tourism sector and other sectors, specialising in the area of SEO and Technical SEO.

What will you learn in this course?

Every delivery will be an injection of proven strategies, SEO tricks and trend analysis, all tailored to the hotel world, to optimise your online presence and drive more direct bookings. Are you ready? Let's start this SEO journey together with an introduction to get you situated!